Bruxism (teeth grinding) is a parafunctional habit of the manducatory apparatus that provokes jaw contractions, teeth clenching or grinding. It usually occurs unintentionally during sleep and can lead to temporomandibular joint disorders and early tooth wear. Bruxism can be treated with botulinum toxin (Botox) injections into the jaw.
1. Principles of a Botox treatment for bruxism
Bruxism can have bad consequences on teeth and on the temporomandibular joint. It creates early tooth wear, which can go as far as necrosis or loss.
The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) connects the mandible (lower jaw) to the rest of the skull, allowing us to produce the moves needed to talk or eat. Symptoms of TMJ disorders can range from simple discomfort to intense pain.
A temporomandibular joint disorder may involve:
- Pain while chewing,
- Limited ability to open the jaw,
- Joint crunches when opening or closing the mouth,
- Inflammation of the articulation,
- Hearing problems,
- Distortion of the face shape
Intramuscular Botox injections restore the balance between inferior and superior jaw muscles.
They reduce contraction of muscles in the manducatory apparatus, correct the hypertrophy of the masseter muscle in order to restore harmony of the lower third of the face and relieve pain in the temporomandibular joint. In some cases, the injections completely stop bruxism, teeth grinding and clenching. Botox injection are a good alternative to the use of gutters.
2. Following a correction of botulinum toxin injection bruxism (Botox)
Injections of Botulinum Toxin (Botox®, Vistabel®, Dysport®, Azzalure®, Bocouture®, ...) do not require anesthesia. Dr. Kron uses extremely thin and painless needles. Botulinum toxin is injected specifically into the treated muscle, in amounts concentrated enough to prevent its spread to jaw muscles that are not in scope of treatment.
As for any act of aesthetic medicine, the result of Botox treatment for bruxism is not permanent. It is necessary to proceed with other injections in order to maintain results over time (on average every 6 months).
Botox injections have an effect on bruxism, grinding or clenching of teeth after only a few days. In the case of a decrease in the volume or the width of the jaw by injection of Botox, the result begins to appear after one month and is optimal from the 3rd to the 9th month after the injection. Injections are recommended every 6 months to maintain results.
Botox Injection are not recommended in the following conditions:
- Hypersensitivity to botulinum toxin.
- Recent intake (within 10 days preceding the procedure) of aspirin or corticosteroids
- Pregnancy or breastfeeding.
- Inflammatory skin diseases (they should be treated prior to treatment).